
Titan Fixture Library

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Titan Fixture Library

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Titan Fixture Library

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Titan Fixture Library

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Titan Fixture Library

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The above downloads contain the same Titan personalities which are compatible with all versions of Titan. The difference is which Capture library is included.

To install the fixture library, please copy the installer to a USB stick, plug it into the console then go to Tools > Control Panel > Titan Installers to run it. On PC, double click on the icon to install it.



Pearl 2008/2010 & Tiger

To reduce the size of the installer and the time required to perform Sync Fixture on the console the personality installer has been split into sections. You will need a PC running Windows and a memory stick.

  1. Download the required installer and run it on your PC.
  2. Choose your memory stick as the install folder from the pull down list. It takes 5 minutes to copy the files to your memory stick.
  3. With the memory stick now plugged into the Pearl, choose the Sync Fixture option. This option can be found on softkey E of the System->USB Stick Options menu.
  4. Please note that it can take up to 30 minutes to synchronise the personality library the first time you do this.

Personality Library Installer 1

10K, 3 Audio, 5 Star Systems, 520Laser, AAdynTech, AAV, Ablelite, Abolight, Aboutshow, Abstract, AC Lasers, AC Light, AC Lighting, Acclaim Lighting, Acco, Acilite, ACME, ACME, ACME, Acoustic Control, ADB, ADJ, ADJ, ADJ, ADJ, ADJ, Adkins Professional Lighting, ADL Lighting, Adlib, Aeson, AFX, AG, AHLights, AI, AICPOSE, Aladdin, Algam, Alien, Alkalite, Alpha Lite, Alpha One, ALS, Alster Lights, Altec, Altman, American Pro, Amita, AMK Lighting, Amptown Controlite, Anmingli, ANNT, Anolis, Anoralux, Antari, ANUU, Anytronics, Anzhee, AOPU Lighting, Ape Labs, Apogee, Apollo Design Technology, Apro, Aputure, AR, ArchWork, Arctik, Arena, Arena Luci, Arkaos, Arri Lighting, Art System, Art Wizard, Artecta, Arteknik, ArtFox, Artic, Artistic LDR, ArtLaser, Arts, Artudatech, AS, Asher, Astera, Astrolite, Asy, AT Laser, Atomic Pro, Atomic4Dj, Audibax, AV Systems, AVANGARDE, Avengers Lighting, Avilexx, Avolites, Avolites Media, AVR, AVTechsmart, Ayra, Ayrton, Aztec, B+S, Bandit, Barco, Basel, Batmink, Beadlight, BeamZ, Becen, Behringer, Betopper, Beyond Light, Beyond Lighting, Big Dipper, Blackout EEE, Blatt Lighting, Blink-Fx, Blizzard Lighting, Blizzard Lighting, BLL, Blue Light, Blue Show, Blue Sky, Bluemax, BOLD, Bolino, BoomToneDJ, Boost, Borealis, BOS Lighting, Botex, Boulder, BPM SFX, Brash, Briese Lichttechnik, Bright, Brighten Focus, Brighter, Brightsun, Brightzone, BriteQ, BriteQ, Briwax, Brompton Technology, BSL, BSM, BuddhaLight, Cameo, Cameo, Canara, Capture, Carpetlight, Casa, Case, CAST, CentoLight, Centurion, Chameleon, Chameleon Lights, Chamsys, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Christie Digital, Christie Lites, Chroma, Chroma Illumination, Chroma-Q, Chromlech, Cindy, Cinelight, Cineo, Cinetec, Cir Rect Lasers, Cirro, CITC, Citronic, Cittadini Multimedia Systems, City Theatrical, CKC Lighting, Clair Lighting, Clay Paky, Clay Paky, Clay Paky, Clen, CLF, Cloud Night, Cloudy, CLS-LED, Club Cannon, Cobra Lighting, Coef, Coemar, Color Art, Color Beam, Color Kinetics, Color Production, Colorful Light, ColorKey, Colornight, Colornite, Colorslighting, ColorStage, Compact Lighting Systems, Compulite, Conceptual, Confettimaker, Conic, Conley, Constella, Contest, Contest Architectural, Coolux, Core, Coyo, Creamsource, Creative Space Inc, CR-Laser, Croma Lite, CrowdGlow, CrowdLED, CR-Tec, CS, Ctech, Cubelite, Cyclops, Cyclops, d3 Technologies, Daan, DAGE, Daisy Light, Darung, Dawn Stage, dblux, DCLX, DE Light, deco, Dedolight, Delight, Denkriser, Desisti, Dexton, DGM, DHA, Dialighting, Diapro, DiCon, Digital, Digital Sputnik, DiscoTech, Disguise, Distinct, Diversitronics, Divine Lighting, DJ Light Supply, DJ Scorpio, DJM Lighting, DJPOWER, DJS Lighting, DJWORLD, DJXFLI, DLIGHT, DLS, DLT Lighting Technology, Dlux, DLW, DMG Lumiere, DML, DMT, DNA, Docooler, Donner, Doug Fleenor Design, Dr Beat, Drastic Light, Dray, Dreamlaser, DrumLite, DSE Lighting, D-Tek Industries, DTS, DTS, Duan Fei, Dune, Dutch Infinity, DVT Light, DY Tech, Dynamic Projection Institute, Eagle Fai, Eagle Lite, EasilyLED, Eastman, EastSun, E-Color, ECS Laser, eCue, Effects Company, EGO Professional, Ehaho, Ehrgeiz, EK Lights, Ekoo, Elan, Elation, Elation, Elation, Elation, Elation, Elcotec, ElectroConcept, Electron, Elektralite, ElementLabs, Elements, Eliminator Lighting, E-Lite, EMF, Emma, Encore Professional, Enttec, Epro, Epsilon Pro, Epson, EQC, Equinox, ER Productions, Ereimul, ESP, Estrada Pro, ETAN, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, Eternal, ETS, ETY, Euro DJ, Euro LED, Eurolight, Eurolite, Eurolite, EuroTech, Event Concept, Event Lighting, Event Pro, EVL Lighting, EVLight, Evolight, Evolights, Evolite, EXALITE, Exalux, Excelighting, Exell, EXO, Explo, Expolite, Expolite, Extreme, Eye Star Shop, Eyourlife, F+S Light, Fal, Farenheit, Fargo, Fashion Light, Favolite, Fayleung, Feimex, FFT, FiberLamp, Fieryzeal, Fiilex, Film Gear, Fine Art, Fine Art, FireBird, Firefog, Five Star Systems, Flash Butrym, Floureon, Fluxia, Fly, Flystar, Focasia, FODEXAZY, Follow-Me, FOS, Fourleaf, Fovitec, Fractal, Free Color, Froggys Fog, FSD, FunGeneration, Future Light, Future Light, FVLight, FX Lab, Galaxis, Gamma Led Vision, Gantom, GarageCUBE, GBG, GBR, GDS, Gear4Music, Gele, Generic, Generic, Generic, Geni, Genius, GetLit, Ghost, Glasson Electronics, G-LEC, GLG, Glint, G-Lites, Global Special Effects, Global Truss, Glowing Lights, Glowmotion, GLP, GLX Lighting, GM, GM Light, Gobos do Brasil, Godox, Goldbright, Golden Sun, Goldenstar Laser, GoLight, Goodteck, Gothy, Green Hippo, Greenlight Lighting, Griven, Grnlite, Gruolin, GSARC, GTD, G-Tech, GTR Industries, GVT, GY-HITEC, Gzbestlight, GZROCK, Hachidori, Hai King, Halsmart, Hanson ProSystems, Hardware Xenon, Hazebase, Hengmei Lighting, High End, High Line, HighLine, HIV Lighting, Hive, Hive Lighting, HL, HLight, HMF, Hongcheng, Howard Eaton Lighting, Howie Technology, HPL, HQ Power, Huasuny, Hubbell, Hungaroflash, Hybrid, Hyulights, Ibiza Light, Icanare, iCandy, Icon, iDance, Idone, Ignition, Ilighting, ILS, Ilumenite, Iluminarc, ImageCue LLC, Imagine Entertainment, img Stage Line, IMIX, IMLIGHT, Immersive, Impact, Impact Pyrotechnics, Imrelax, Infinity, InnLED, InnovationLED, Inoage, INTEC, Integraled, Intella, Intimidation, Intuiit, Involight, i-Pix, iPixel LED, Irideon, Iridium, IRIS Lighting, Irradiant, iSolution, ITC, Itoyoko, IZZuee, J Collyns, J+K, James Thomas Engineering, JB Lighting, JB Systems, JC Events, JC Light, JEM, JHM, JHW, Jiakexin, Jiamei Light, Jinx, JMAZ Lighting, Jolly Lighting, Joye, K9Lights, KaiShine, KAK, KAM, Kandolite, Karma, Katrin, KC Showlights, KHX, Kina, Kinesik, KingBright, Kino Flo, KL, KluitNET, KM Station, Kolo Laser, Kolortec, Kolos, Kool Light, KRG, Krypton, KUDUX, Kvant, L2D, La Gamme, LAM, Lambo Lights, Lampo, Lanling, Lanta Lighting, Lanta Lighting, Laser Grafix, Laser Hire London, Laser Imagineering, Laser Innovations, Laser UK, Laserage, LaserAnimation, Laserdream, Laserfabrik, LaserLightful, Laserverkoop, Laserworld, Laserwurx, Laysion, LAYU, LBT, LC Group, LCPRO, LD, LDDE, LDR, Le Maitre, Leader Light, LED Creative, LED LA, Led Lux, LED Strip Studio, LED Structures, LED Studien, LED Vision, LED2, LEDBlade, LedDoo, LEDDS, Leddux, Ledex, Leding, LEDJ, LEDJ, LEDLIGHT, LED-M, LEDSTAGE, Ledwalker, Leksa, Lex Lighting, Lexvision, LFX Group, Licht Technik, Light Craft, Light Emotion, Light Go, Light House Limited, Light Initiative, Light Planet, LIGHT4ME, LightBank, LightConverse, LightGods, Light-Inc, Lighting Cosmos, Lightline, Lightmaxx, Lightmen, Lightning, Lightning Strikes, Light-O-Rama, Lightronics, LightSky, Lightstar, Lightwave, Linx, Lishuai, Lite Tek, Litecraft, LiteGear, Litemover, Litepanels, Lites, Livegear, Lixada, LPS Lasersysteme, LR Technology, LRS Lighting, LRX, LSP, LTL, Lucas, Lucas Led, Lucenti, Lucky Light, Lumen, Lumenlite, LumenStore, Lumeri, LUMI Professional, Lumin Lights, Luminate, Luminus Lighttech, Lumisia, Lumonic, Lupo, Luxibel, Luxium Lighting, Luxmore, Luxonos, Luxtroxnic, Lyre, LyteQuest, Lyt-Or

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Personality Library Installer 2

Lighting Innovation, Lightmaster, Lite-Puter, Longman, Look Solutions, LumaLaser, Luminex, Mac Mah, Mad Lighting, MAE, MagicFX, Magmatic, Magnum Lighting, Maky, Maniac Lights, Maplin, Marconi, Mark, Marq, Martin, Martin, Martin, Marumo, Master, Master FX, Matsumura, MAWlights, Max, Maxi, Maya Lighting, MBT Lighting and Sound, Mc Crypt, MDG, MEANReal, Medialas, MediaLED, Mega Lite, MegaDiode, Megapixel, Meija, Meteor, Metro, Metropolis, MFL, MG Lighting, Mi Light, Microh, Mifi River, MIKOY, MilTec, Miner Light, Minuit Une, Missyee, Mitek, Mixar, Mixpro, Mixso Events, M-Lite, MLK, Mod Scenes, Modi, Moka SFX, Monoprice, Moodlight, Moonlight, Morpheus, Motor Head, Move Color, Movitec, Moxo, MPROW, MSL, MSP, MTLighting, Multiform, Multilighting, Musco, Mushroom Lighting, MVRental, MX Lighting, MXWendler, Mytek, NA, NANLITE, Nanlux, Nebula, Neo, Neo Neon, Neto Lighting, New Star, Nexpro, Nexus, NFI Imports, N-Gear, Nicols, Nippon, NiTEC, NJD, Nono Light, Nouvoled, NOVA CORP, Novalight, NovaStar, Novopro, Nu-Light, Nullsoft, NW Lighting, Oby, Ocean Optics, Omez Lighting, Omni Lighting, Omni Systems, OmniSistem, One Light Brasil, Oppray, OPPSK, OptiK, Optikinetics, Optima Lighting, Optlaser, Optorun, ORB, Orion, Orios, Osiris, Osram, Otti, Ounuo, Outsight, Ovation, OXO, Padura, Pan Command, Panalux, Panasonic, Panda Light, Pangolin Laser Systems, Party Licht, Party Light + Sound, Pasef, PC Lights Inc, PCL, Pearl River, Pearl River, Pearl River, Pearl River, Pegasys, PFL Technology, PFX, PG LED, Phantos, Pheon Lux, Philips, Phocea Light, Phoenix, PhotonStar, Picturall, PIGI, PixelBright, PixelMad, Pixeon, PixMob, Pknight, PL, Play Tech, PLS, Pluslite, PM Lights, Pomelo, Portman, Power Gems, Power Lighting, Power Lights, Preset Plus, Prestige, PRG, Prism Projection Inc, Pro Light, Pro Light UK, Pro Lighting Systems, Pro Lux, Pro Shop, Pro Svet Light, Pro Theatrical, PROCBET, Procolour, ProDJ, Prodjex, Proel, ProJLight, Prolight, Prolight, Prolights, Prolights, Prolights, Prolights, Prolights, Prolux, Prolycht, PromoBiz, ProShop, Prost Lighting, ProTech, Pro-Toplight, Prowalls, PSL, PSLaser, Publitec, Pulsar, Pulse, PURElight, Purelite, PWR Lighting, Qicai Lighting, Qmaxz, Qnex, QSP, QTX Light, Quarkpro, Quartzcolor, Quasar Science, QueLed, Radical Lighting (IRAD), Rainbow, Rainbow Lights, RainStarLight, Rasha, RayFX, Raymax, Rayzr, RCL, Reach Lasers, Red Lighting, RedDotLogistics, Renewed Vision, Renkforce, Resolume, Revolution, Rhino, Ri-Art, Rico, Ridgeyard, Robe, Robe, Robe, Robe, Robe, Robert Juliat, Roblon, RoboSystem, Rocho, Rockville, Roco, Rodlight, Roe, Rokharv LED, Rosco, Ross, Rotolight, Rover, ROXX, RP Lighting, RR, RTI, Rushstage, RUSHWORKS, RVE, RvO, Ryger, S and H, Safex, Sagitter, Sagitter, Sanyi Lights, SC Pro, Scan Wise, Scandlight, Scanic, Schalter, Screen Monkey, Screentec Video, Sea Stage Lighting, Sebo, SeeShow, Selecon, SENNA, Senstation Lighting, Series, SFaudio, SGM, SGM, Shamsonic, Shark, Shehds, SHINP, Show Series, Showcase Technologies, Showco, ShowLED, Showlight, Showlite, ShowPro, Showtacle, Showtec, Showtec, Showtec, Showtec, ShowTechnology, Showven, SHR, Shuanlong Lighting, Silver Star, Silver Star, Silver Star, Simply Stage, Singercon, SKP Pro Light, Sky Fox, Skypix, SkyTracker, Skytronic, SL Pro Lighting, SLC, Slice Master, SLS, SLS Hellas, Smile Stage Light, Smoke Factory, Snow Business, Snow Lighting, Snowmasters, Soft Goods Company, SOH, Solar, Solena, Songxu, Sound LAB, SoundLight, Soundsation, SoundStil, Soundwave, Source Manufacturing, Spaander, Space Cannon, Space Lights, SPANN LIGHT, Spark, Spark Fabrica, Spark Lighting, SPL Sonorisation, Sportsbeams, Spotlight, Springtree, SquareLED, SS Lighting, SSP, Stage Ape, Stage Effects, Stage Evolution, Stage LED, Stage Light, Stage Plus, Stage Weapons UK, Stage4, StageFX, StageStar, Stagevoice, Stagg, Stairville, Stairville, Stan, Star Dimensions, Star Trip, Staray Laser, Stark, Starlang, Starlite, Starscape, Starway, SteelPro, Stellar, Stops & Mops, Strand, Strong, Studio Due, SULUS, Sumger, Summa, Sumolight, Sun Star, Sunart, Sunshine FX, Sunshine Lighting, SUPER bright + loud, Super Light, Supervision, SurePro, SVS, Swefog, Swelite, Swit, Syncrolite, Syncronorm, Szatyi Stage Team, TableArt, Talent, Tarm, Tas, Taurus, Taurus Light, TC Supply, TDE light-tech, Techni-Lux, Techno, Technological Artisans, Technylight, Teclumen, TEI Lighting, TE-Lighting, Terbly, Terbly, Terbly, Terbly, TES, The Light Source, Theatre Projects, Thor, Thunder, ThunderboltFX, TiGHT, Timpani, TLP, TMB, Tomoca, Tomshine, Top Art, Top Star, Toplite, Toppest, Toshiba, TourPro, Tovaste, TPR, TPS, Translite, Transpot Light, Transtun, Triton Blue, Triumph, Trix, True Colors Events, True Heart Sound, Tryka LED, TSM LIGHT, Tuna, Twinkly, UKing, Ultra Light And Sound, Ultratec, Unicus, UNITY, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, UpLight, Uplus Lighting, Uranus, URC, UVD, UV-Lighting, ValaVa, Valook, Varilite, Varytec, VC Stage Lighting, Vega Pro, Vello, VELVETLight, VentureLite, Venue Lighting Effects, Versa-Light, Vexter, Vibesta, Viking Lighting, Vision, Vision Pro, Visual Effect, Visual FX, Visual FX (New York), Visual Productions, Visualies, Vocare, Volite, Volux, Vortexion, Vpro, Vshine, V-Show, VSL, VSPro, Vtec, Vulcan Lighting, W and T International Ltd, Wahlberg, Wanshi Lighting, WeBest, WEN China, Wild Pro, Wildfire, Wilgex, Wisdom, Wonsung, Worldlite, WWG, Wybron, XBlack, Xeos, XF Prolight, XFAN, XHR, Xilver, X-Laser, XLine, XMLite, XPCLEOYZ, XStatic Pro Lighting, XY E-Shine, Xy Systems, YeeSite, Yidoblo, Yingwei, Yiscor, Yoline, Yorkville, YQX, YSH, Yuexin, zactrack, Zap Technology, Zoom, Zuky, ZZiPP

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Diamond 4

To use the Diamond 4 download, please copy the installer to your Diamond 4 desk and double click on the installer icon in folder view.

Download Personality Library

All manufacturers compressed into one file.

Azure, Pearl and Sapphire

Please note a number of manufacturers have been split over more than one disk. Please check the disks contain the personalities required before downloading.

Pearl/Azure/Sapphire downloads must be placed onto a blank floppy disk. The files supplied below are self extracting Zip files. To use them:

  1. Save the appropriate file to your computer hard drive.
  2. Place a blank floppy disk into the Floppy Drive.
  3. Run the exe file you saved onto your hard drive.
  4. On the first screen click the OK button.
  5. On the second screen click the Unzip button.
  6. The file will now unzip itself to the blank floppy disk. This may take several minutes.

Once the file has finished unzipping to the blank floppy disk, it can be used with your Pearl/Azure/Sapphire.

R20 Personality Disk 1

3 Audio, 520Laser, Ablelite, Abolight, Aboutshow, Abstract, AC Lasers, AC Light, Acclaim Lighting, Acco, Acoustic Control, ADB, ADJ, ADL Lighting, Aeson

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R20 Personality Disk 2

AC Lighting, ACME, AFX, AG, AHLights, AI, Alien, Alkalite, ALS, ANNT, Avolites

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R20 Personality Disk 3


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R20 Personality Disk 4


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R20 Personality Disk 5

ADJ, Anytronics

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R20 Personality Disk 6

ADJ, Apro, ArtFox

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R20 Personality Disk 7

ADJ, Artic

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R20 Personality Disk 8


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R20 Personality Disk 9

Alpha One, Altec, Altman, American Pro, ArchWork, Cirro

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R20 Personality Disk 10

Amptown Controlite, Anolis, Antari, Ape Labs, Apogee, Apollo Design Technology, Arena, Arena Luci, Arkaos, Arteknik, Artistic LDR, ArtLaser, Arts, Asher, Astrolite, Asy, AT Laser, Atomic4Dj, Audibax, AV Systems, Avengers Lighting, AVR, Aztec, Bandit, Basel, Blackout EEE

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R20 Personality Disk 11

Arri Lighting, Astera, Ayra, Beadlight, Blink-Fx

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R20 Personality Disk 12

Ayrton, Barco, Becen, Beyond Light, Beyond Lighting, Blue Light, Blue Sky, Bluemax, BOLD, Boost, Borealis, Botex, BPM SFX, Capture, Casa

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 13

Batmink, Big Dipper, BoomToneDJ, Brash, Bright, Brightzone, Canara, Case, Centurion, Chameleon, Chamsys, Christie Digital, Chroma Illumination

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R20 Personality Disk 14

BeamZ, Christie Lites, Chroma, Chromlech, Cindy, Cinetec, Cir Rect Lasers, Clay Paky

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R20 Personality Disk 15

Blizzard Lighting, CITC

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R20 Personality Disk 16

Blizzard Lighting, Cittadini Multimedia Systems, City Theatrical, CKC Lighting, Clair Lighting, Cloud Night, Cloudy, CLS-LED, Color Art

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R20 Personality Disk 17

BriteQ, Ctech

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R20 Personality Disk 18

BriteQ, Coef, Color Beam, Color Kinetics, ColorKey, Colornight, Colorslighting, Conceptual

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R20 Personality Disk 19

BSL, Colorful Light, ColorStage, Compact Lighting Systems, Compulite, Conley, Constella, Core, Coyo, Croma Lite, d3 Technologies, Daan

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R20 Personality Disk 20

Cameo, DLS

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R20 Personality Disk 21

Cameo, CR-Laser, CS, D-Tek Industries

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R20 Personality Disk 22

Chauvet, DAGE, DLT Lighting Technology

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R20 Personality Disk 23


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R20 Personality Disk 24

Chauvet, Donner

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R20 Personality Disk 25

Chauvet, DE Light, Dexton, DiscoTech

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R20 Personality Disk 26

Chauvet, Distinct

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R20 Personality Disk 27

Chauvet, Daisy Light, Denkriser

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R20 Personality Disk 28

Chroma-Q, Conic, Coolux, Cyclops, Doug Fleenor Design

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 29

Clay Paky, Diversitronics

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R20 Personality Disk 30

Clay Paky

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R20 Personality Disk 31

CLF, Darung, dblux, Desisti, DGM, DHA, Diapro, Digital Sputnik, Divine Lighting, DJ Light Supply, DJ Scorpio, DJPOWER, DLIGHT, DML, DMT, DNA, Docooler, Dr Beat, Drastic Light, Duan Fei

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 32

Coemar, Dray, DTS, Dynamic Projection Institute, Eagle Fai, E-Color

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 33

Contest, EasilyLED, EastSun, ECS Laser, eCue, Effects Company, EGO Professional, Ekoo, ElementLabs, EMF, FX Lab

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R20 Personality Disk 34

Cyclops, ESP

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R20 Personality Disk 35

Dialighting, Dune, Elcotec, Enttec

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 36

DTS, NFI Imports

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 37

Ehrgeiz, EK Lights, Elan, ElectroConcept, Elements, Eliminator Lighting, E-Lite, EQC, Equinox, ER Productions, ETAN, Euro DJ

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 38

Elation, Eternal, Event Concept, Event Pro, Supervision

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R20 Personality Disk 39


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R20 Personality Disk 40


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R20 Personality Disk 41

Elation, Euro LED

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R20 Personality Disk 42

Elation, Elektralite, Epsilon Pro

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R20 Personality Disk 43

Encore Professional, ETS, ETY, Eurolite, EVL Lighting, Excelighting, Exell, Eye Star Shop

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 44

ETC, EXO, Extreme, Farenheit, Fargo

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R20 Personality Disk 45

ETC, EVLight, Fashion Light, FSD

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R20 Personality Disk 46

ETC, Favolite, FFT

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R20 Personality Disk 47

ETC, Expolite, GM

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R20 Personality Disk 48

ETC, Evolite, FiberLamp, FireBird

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R20 Personality Disk 49

ETC, Five Star Systems

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R20 Personality Disk 50

Eurolite, Flystar

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R20 Personality Disk 51

Event Lighting, Evolight, Evolights, EXALITE, Eyourlife, Fal, Feimex, Floureon, Galaxis

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R20 Personality Disk 52

Expolite, Gobos do Brasil

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R20 Personality Disk 53

Fine Art

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R20 Personality Disk 54

Fine Art, Flash Butrym, Fluxia, Fly, Fractal

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R20 Personality Disk 55

FOS, Free Color, Froggys Fog, FunGeneration, Gele, G-LEC, G-Lites, Lite-Puter

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R20 Personality Disk 56

Future Light, Goldbright, Impact Pyrotechnics

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R20 Personality Disk 57

Future Light, GDS, Generic, Geni, Ghost, Glowing Lights, GoLight, G-Tech, Hai King

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R20 Personality Disk 58

Generic, Glasson Electronics, Global Truss, Greenlight Lighting, Hanson ProSystems, HL

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R20 Personality Disk 59

Generic, GLG, Hazebase, Idone

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R20 Personality Disk 60

Genius, GLP, Green Hippo, Grnlite, GZROCK, Halsmart, Hongcheng

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R20 Personality Disk 61

Griven, GTD, Hardware Xenon, High Line, HMF, Howie Technology, Hubbell, iCandy

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R20 Personality Disk 62

High End, Hungaroflash, Ibiza Light, Icon, iDance, ILS, Ilumenite, ImageCue LLC

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R20 Personality Disk 63

HQ Power, Hybrid, Imagine Entertainment, i-Pix

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R20 Personality Disk 64

Ignition, Iluminarc, IMIX, Impact, InnLED, Inoage, Integraled, Intimidation, Irideon, Iridium, JC Events, JHM, JHW, Jinx

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 65

img Stage Line, Infinity, Irradiant, Jiakexin, JMAZ Lighting, K9Lights, Kinesik, Scan Wise

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 66

Involight, Itoyoko, JEM, Joye, KAK, Kandolite, Kina, KingBright, KluitNET, KM Station, Kolos, Kool Light

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R20 Personality Disk 67

iSolution, Kino Flo, Kolo Laser, Kvant, La Gamme, Laser Innovations

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R20 Personality Disk 68

James Thomas Engineering, Lambo Lights, Lanling, Laser Grafix, Laserwurx

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R20 Personality Disk 69

JB Lighting, KAM, Lampo, Lanta Lighting, Laser Imagineering, LED Vision

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R20 Personality Disk 70

JB Systems, Laser UK, Laserage, LaserAnimation, Laserverkoop, Laserworld, LAYU, LEDBlade, Leddux

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R20 Personality Disk 71

Lanta Lighting

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R20 Personality Disk 72

LBT, LC Group, LD, LDDE, LDR, Le Maitre, Leader Light, Led Lux, Ledex, Leding, LEDLIGHT, LEDSTAGE, Ledwalker, Leksa, Lex Lighting, LFX Group, Licht Technik, Light Emotion, Light Go, Light House Limited, Light Initiative, LightConverse, Lighting Innovation, Lightmaster, Lightmen, Lightning, Lightronics, Lightwave, LiteGear, Lites, Look Solutions, LR Technology

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 73


Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 74

LEDJ, LIGHT4ME, Light-Inc, Lucky Light

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 75

Lightmaxx, Litepanels, Livegear, Lixada, Lucas, LumaLaser, Lumenlite, LUMI Professional, Lumin Lights, Lumisia, Luxium Lighting, Luxmore, Lyre, Lyt-Or, M-Lite

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 76

LightSky, Litecraft, Mac Mah, MAE, Maky, Maplin

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 77

Longman, Lumonic, Marconi, Mark, Master

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 78

Luxibel, Mad Lighting, MagicFX, Marq, Martin, Marumo

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 79

Martin, Motor Head

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 80


Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 81

Maya Lighting, MBT Lighting and Sound, MDG, Medialas, MediaLED, Mega Lite, Meija, Meteor, Metro, Metropolis, MFL, MG Lighting, Mi Light, Mifi River, Mixar, Mixpro, MLK, Modi, Monoprice, Moodlight, Moonlight, Morpheus, Move Color, Movitec

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 82

Microh, MilTec, MPROW, MSP

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 83

MTLighting, Multiform, Multilighting, Mushroom Lighting, MX Lighting, Mytek, NA, Nebula, Neo, Neo Neon, Nicols, Nippon, NiTEC, NJD, NovaStar, Nu-Light, Nullsoft, NW Lighting, Ocean Optics, Omez Lighting, Omni Systems, OptiK, Optikinetics, Orion

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 84

Novalight, Omni Lighting, OmniSistem, Optima Lighting, Optorun, Osiris, Osram, Outsight, Ovation, OXO, Padura, Pan Command, Pangolin Laser Systems, Party Licht, Pasef, PC Lights Inc, Pegasys, PFL Technology, Phoenix, PhotonStar, PIGI

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 85

Pearl River

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R20 Personality Disk 86

Pearl River

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 87

Pearl River, PixelMad

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 88

Pearl River, PG LED, Phantos, Phocea Light, Picturall, PixelBright, Pixeon, PL, Play Tech, Power Lights

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 89

Philips, PLS, Portman, Power Lighting, PRG, Prism Projection Inc, Pro Shop

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 90

Prestige, Pro Light, Pro Lighting Systems, Pro Lux, Pro Svet Light, Procolour, Prodjex, Prolight, Prolights, Prolux, ProShop, ProTech, Publitec, Pulse, Purelite, RayFX

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 91

Proel, PSL, Pulsar, Qicai Lighting, Qmaxz, Qnex, QSP, Quarkpro, RainStarLight, Raymax, RCL, Ryger

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 92


Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 93


Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 94

Prolights, Roblon

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 95

Prolights, SFaudio

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 96

Prolights, Rocho

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 97

QTX Light, QueLed, Radical Lighting (IRAD), Rainbow, Red Lighting, Renewed Vision, Renkforce, Resolume, Rico, Rosco, ShowTechnology

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 98

Robe, Ross, RR

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 99

Robe, Roco, RTI, RvO, Sound LAB

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 100

Robe, S and H, Sea Stage Lighting

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 101

Robe, Scandlight, Shark, SLS

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 102

Robe, Robert Juliat, Rokharv LED, Sagitter, Scanic, Screen Monkey, Series, SGM, SHINP, Show Series

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R20 Personality Disk 103

Sagitter, Shuanlong Lighting

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R20 Personality Disk 104

SGM, Summa

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 105

Shehds, Showcase Technologies, Showco, ShowLED, Showlite, ShowPro, Showtacle, Showven, Silver Star, Sky Fox, SkyTracker, Skytronic, SLS Hellas, Smile Stage Light, Smoke Factory, Snow Lighting, Soft Goods Company, SOH, Solar, Solena, Songxu, Soundsation, SoundStil, Soundwave, Source Manufacturing, Space Lights, Spark, Spark Lighting, SquareLED, SS Lighting, StageFX

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 106


Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 107

Showtec, Stage Effects, Stage Evolution

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 108

Showtec, Stage Light, Starscape, Swefog

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R20 Personality Disk 109

Showtec, Super Light

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R20 Personality Disk 110

Silver Star

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R20 Personality Disk 111

Silver Star

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R20 Personality Disk 112

Space Cannon, Spotlight, SSP, Stage Ape, Stage LED, Stage4, StageStar, Star Trip, Staray Laser, Stark, Starlang

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 113

Stagg, Stairville, Star Dimensions, Starlite, SteelPro, Strand, Strong, Sun Star

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 114

Stairville, TableArt, Technylight

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 115

Starway, Sunshine FX, TEI Lighting

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 116

Studio Due, SurePro, Swelite, Syncrolite, Talent, Tas, Taurus, Taurus Light, TE-Lighting

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 117

Techni-Lux, Teclumen, Terbly, The Light Source, Theatre Projects, Thunder, TLP, Tomshine, Top Art, Top Star, Toplite

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R20 Personality Disk 118

Terbly, Tovaste

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R20 Personality Disk 119

Terbly, TPR, Triumph

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R20 Personality Disk 120

Terbly, Trix, Ultratec, Visual Effect

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R20 Personality Disk 121

Timpani, TMB, TPS, Translite, Triton Blue, Tryka LED, UKing, Ultra Light And Sound, UpLight, Uranus, UVD, UV-Lighting, VC Stage Lighting, Venue Lighting Effects, Vexter, Visual FX (New York)

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 122

TourPro, VentureLite, Versa-Light, Vision Pro, Visual FX

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R20 Personality Disk 123


Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 124

Unknown, Visualies

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R20 Personality Disk 125

Unknown, URC, Visual Productions, Vocare, Vortexion, VSL, VSPro, Vtec, W and T International Ltd, Wahlberg

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 126

Varilite, WeBest, WEN China, Wild Pro, Wilgex, WWG, Wybron, Xeos, XFAN, XHR, XStatic Pro Lighting, YQX

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R20 Personality Disk 127

Varytec, Vello, Xilver, X-Laser, XY E-Shine, Xy Systems, Yingwei, Yiscor, Zuky

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R20 Personality Disk 128

Viking Lighting, XMLite, Yuexin, Zap Technology

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

Internal Personality Cache

Click Here to view the contents of this Cache file.

R20 files for Cachebuilder

This download contains all current R20 files ready to be used by the cachebuilder application.

Diamond II and III

Please check the disks contain the personalities required before downloading.

Diamond 2/3 downloads must be placed onto a blank floppy disk. The files supplied below are self extracting Zip files. To use them:

  1. Save the appropriate file to your computer hard drive.
  2. Place a blank floppy disk into the Floppy Drive.
  3. Run the exe file you saved onto your hard drive.
  4. On the first screen click the OK button.
  5. On the second screen click the Unzip button.
  6. The file will now unzip itself to the blank floppy disk. This may take several minutes.

Once the file has finished unzipping to the floppy disk, it can be used with your Diamond 2/3.

D2 Personality Disk 1

Aboutshow, AC Lighting, ACME, ACME, ACME, ADB, AI, Alkalite, Alpha One, Altec, American Pro, Amptown Controlite, Antari, Anytronics, Arkaos, Asy, AVR, Ayrton, Batmink, Big Dipper, Botex, Case, Chameleon, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Cir Rect Lasers, City Theatrical, CKC Lighting, Clay Paky, Clay Paky, Clay Paky, Robe, Robe, Robe, Robe, Robe, Showtec, Showtec, Showtec, Showtec

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

D2 Personality Disk 2

CITC, Cittadini Multimedia Systems, Coef, Coemar, Color Beam, Color Kinetics, Compact Lighting Systems, Compulite, Contest, Coolux, Croma Lite, CS, Desisti, Dexton, DHA, DiscoTech, Diversitronics, DML, D-Tek Industries, EasilyLED, eCue, Effects Company, Elation, Elation, Elation, Elation, Elation, Electron, Electron, Elektralite, ElementLabs, Eliminator Lighting, E-Lite, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, Eurolite, Eurolite, EuroTech, EVL Lighting, Expolite, Expolite, Fal, FFT, Fine Art, Fine Art, Fly

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

D2 Personality Disk 3

Generic, Generic, Generic, Geni, Genius, GetLit, GetLit, G-LEC, Green Hippo, Griven, G-Tech, Hardware Xenon, High End, HQ Power, Hubbell, Hungaroflash, img Stage Line, Immersive, Immersive, i-Pix, Irideon, James Thomas Engineering

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

D2 Personality Disk 4

DTS, DTS, Le Maitre, Leader Light, Lighting Innovation, Lightmaster, Lightning Strikes, Lightning Strikes, Lite-Puter, Look Solutions, LumaLaser, Luminex, Luminex, Martin, Martin, Martin, Master, Medialas, Mega Lite, Meteor

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

D2 Personality Disk 5

Apollo Design Technology, Aztec, Chroma, CLS-LED, E-Color, Evolight, Exell, Future Light, Future Light, G-Lites, Involight, JB Lighting, JB Systems, JEM, Joye, KAM, Kino Flo, KM Station, Kvant, Laser Innovations, Laserage, LaserAnimation, Laserworld, Laserwurx, LDDE, LFX Group, Longman, Marumo, Maya Lighting, MBT Lighting and Sound, Metropolis, Microh, MilTec, Moodlight, Morpheus, Motor Head, Move Color, Movitec, MSP, MTLighting, Multilighting, Mushroom Lighting, NA, Neo Neon, NFI Imports, Nippon, Novalight, Nu-Light, Nullsoft, Oby, Ocean Optics, Omni Lighting, Optikinetics, Optima Lighting, Osiris, Pan Command, Pasef, PC Lights Inc, PixelMad, Pixeon, Play Tech, Pro Lighting Systems, Procolour, Proel, Prolight, Prolight, PSL, Publitec, Qmaxz, Radical Lighting (IRAD), Rainbow, Raymax, Roblon, Showco, Solar, Sound LAB, Techni-Lux, TLP, Toplite, Tryka LED, Visual Productions, Yingwei

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

D2 Personality Disk 6

Abstract, Dialighting, Licht Technik, Pulsar, Rosco, Ryger, S and H, Sagitter, Sagitter, Scan Wise, SGM, SGM, ShowLED, Silver Star, Silver Star, Silver Star, SkyTracker, Skytronic, Smoke Factory, Soft Goods Company, SoundLight, Source Manufacturing

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

D2 Personality Disk 7

SLS Hellas, Space Cannon, Spotlight, Stage Evolution, Stairville, Stairville, Star Dimensions, Stark, Starway, Strand, Strong, Studio Due, Summa, Supervision, SurePro, Syncrolite, Tas, Teclumen, Terbly, Terbly, Terbly, Terbly, Theatre Projects, Triton Blue, Triumph, Trix, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

D2 Personality Disk 8

Apogee, ArtLaser, AT Laser, Avolites, Brash, Capture, Chroma-Q, Chromlech, Cindy, Clair Lighting, Eagle Fai, Five Star Systems, GLP, High Line, iSolution, KL, KL, Lampo, Lanta Lighting, Lanta Lighting, LEDJ, LEDJ, Mad Lighting, NJD, OptiK, Pearl River, Pearl River, Pearl River, Pearl River, Philips, PRG, Prolights, Prolights, Prolights, Prolights, Prolights, Qnex, Screen Monkey, ShowTechnology, Sky Fox, Stagg, Starlang, Starlite, Swelite, Vexter, Visual FX, Visual FX (New York), Visualies, WWG, Wybron, Xilver, Xy Systems, Zap Technology

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

D2 Personality Disk 9

Red Lighting, Varilite

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

Internal Personality Cache

Click Here to view the contents of this Cache file.

Pearl Expert Classic

To use the Pearl Expert download, please copy the installer to your Pearl Expert desk, and run it.
An installer will then run which will allow you to install the personalities.

Download Personality Library

All Manufacturers compressed into one file. Simply run on desk to update your Library.

Sapphire 96

Please check the disks contain the personalities required before downloading.

Sapphire 96 Personality disks must be created on a 720k Floppy disk. This usually requires reformatting the disk in your PC before starting. To create a 720k disk:

  1. Cover the hole at the bottom right of the disk with tape, and place in PC disk drive
  2. Click on the start icon
  3. Select "Run"
  4. If running Windows XP, enter the command "format a: /t:80 /n:9". For older versions of windows, enter "format a: /f:720/u", leaving out the quotation marks.
  5. Click on OK and follow the onscreen prompts.

Your disk is now ready for use. You can download any of the following files, and run them on your PC to create the relevant personality disk.

R96 Personality Disk 1

Aboutshow, Abstract, ADJ, ADJ, ADJ, ADJ, ADJ, Aeson, Alkalite, Amptown Controlite, Arkaos, Asher, Batmink, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Chauvet, Clay Paky, Clay Paky, Clay Paky, Coef, Coemar, DHA, Diversitronics, D-Tek Industries, DTS, DTS, Elation, Elation, Elation, Elation, Elation, Eurolite, Eurolite, EVL Lighting, Fal, Fly, Future Light, Future Light, Generic, Generic, Generic, Genius, G-Lites, Irideon, JB Lighting

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R96 Personality Disk 2

GLP, Griven, High End, KAM, Lampo, Lanta Lighting, Lanta Lighting, Laserage, Mac Mah, Mad Lighting, Martin, Martin, Martin, Microh, Motor Head

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R96 Personality Disk 3

Metropolis, Movitec, Mushroom Lighting, Nippon, Ocean Optics, Optikinetics, Osiris, Pan Command, Pearl River, Pearl River, Pearl River, Pearl River, Proel, PSL, Robe, Robe, Robe, Robe, Robe, Sagitter, Sagitter, SGM, SGM, Showtec, Showtec, Showtec, Showtec, SLS Hellas, Space Cannon, Stagg, Stairville, Stairville, Starlite, Studio Due, Supervision, Syncrolite, Tas, Theatre Projects, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Wybron

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.

R96 Personality Disk 4

Varilite, Xy Systems

Click Here to view the contents of this Disk.


To use the Visualiser download, please run the installer on the computer with Visualiser installed.

Download Personality Library

All manufacturers compressed into one file.