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; 'American DJ Mega Flash DMX', 2 DMX Channels, filename: ADJMFDMX.R96 ; ; Date By Description ; 16-04-08 Pers Creator Created - Exported from Diamond 4 file. ; 16-04-08 Ion Balan Checked ; 16-04-08 Gregory Haynes Checked ; 14-03-13 Peter Budd Created from R20 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The device name, upto 11 characters, no spaces are allowed DEVICE ADJMFDMX mode=2 DMX, 8bit 2 DMX Channels ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The Type of instrument, 1 & M must required for backward compatibility ; The middle number denotes the number of DMX channels used TYPE 1 2 M ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mirror/Head resolution MIRROR 0 0 0 ; | | | ; | | |_______ maximum tilt movement (in degrees) ; | |____________ maximum pan movement (in degrees) ; |_________________ 1 means moving mirror, 2 means moving head ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Patching Information. (Upto 10 lines allowed) ; Upto 10 lines of 159 chars are allowed including formulae ; Variables used d=dmx number(1..512), h=handle(1..60), n=devicename (11-char) ; Allowed modifiers ; +,-,*,/,(,) basic arithmatic ; % means remainder after divide ; & means logical AND ; | means logical OR ; R means reverse the bits of the current result (operates on a byte) ; ^ means logical Exclusive OR (operates on a byte) ; > means shift to the right ; < shift to the left ; r followed by number means get the value of that parameter ; d DMX address ; n Fixture name, a 0 terminated character string ; h The handle number DEVICEADDRESS "Handle %2d"h "Fixture %11s"n "DMX %03d"d "" "" "Set to 2 DMX, 8bit" "" "" DAEND ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Specify DMX limits ; ; minimum allowed dmx number MINDMX=1 ; ; maximum allowed dmx number MAXDMX=510 ; ; DMX number must be divisible by this DIVBY=1 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DMX channel description ; ; Column by column description of each DMX channel ; 1. The channels bank number (1..12) ; 2. The upper faders in the bank (1) or the lower faders in the bank (61) ; 3. Channel type (L=LTP, H=HTP, I=Instant LTP, S=16-bit instant LTP, ; s=16-bit Fadeable LTP ; 4. DMX offset (1..number of DMX channels) ; 5. The output level is proportionally recdced by this level (0..100%) ; 6. The curve number (applicable only to HTP channels), usually set to 1 ; 7. Inverted (I) or Normal (N) ; 8. Attribute type (A=Color Wheel1, B=Cyan, C=Magenta, D=Yellow, ; E=Pan, F=Tilt, G=Iris, H=Dimmer, I=Gobo1, J=Gobo2, K=Gobo1_Rotate, ; L=Focus, M=Gobo2_Rotate, N=Color Wheel2, O=Shutter, P=Prism, Q=Zoom, ; R=Effect_Rotate, S=Frost, T=Red, U=Green, V=Blue, 0=uncategorised) ; 9. Checksum channel (Always 1) ;10. Attribute name, must be enclosed in quotes and upto 12 characters allowed ;11. The ON value of this channel (0..255) ;12. The Highlight level of this channel ;13. The Lowlight level of this channel ; DMX 1 1 H 1 100 1N H 1 "Dimmer" 255 0 0 2 61 L 2 100 1N O 1 "Shutter" 0 0 0 END ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT American DJ Mega Flash DMX 2 DMX, 8bit INPUT fixture DMX No. Press a Fixture Select or Swop button to make the patch. END ATTR Function Obsolete END