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Martin Mac 2000 Profile (MT2000H.R96)
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; "Martin Mac 2000", 24 DMX channels, filename :mt2000h.r20 ; ; Date By Description ; 07-09-00 P.Bari Created ; 02-04-01 C.West modified pan movement & iris locate value ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The device name, upto 11 characters, no spaces are allowed DEVICE MMac2000Hi 24 DMX channels ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The Type of instrument, 1 & M must required for backward compatibility ; The middle number denotes the number of DMX channels used TYPE 1 24 M ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mirror/Head resolution MIRROR 2 540 305 ; | | | ; | | |_______ maximum tilt movement (in degrees) ; | |____________ maximum pan movement (in degrees) ; |_________________ 1 means moving mirror, 2 means moving head ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Patching Information. (Upto 10 lines allowed) ; Upto 10 lines of 159 chars are allowed including formulae ; Variables used d=dmx number(1..512), h=handle(1..60), n=devicename (11-char) ; Allowed modifiers ; +,-,*,/,(,) basic arithmatic ; % means remainder after divide ; & means logical AND ; | means logical OR ; R means reverse the bits of the curernt result (operates on a byte) ; ^ means logical Exclusive OR (operates on a byte) ; > means shift to the right ; < shift to the left ; r followed by number means get the value of that parameter ; d DMX address ; n Fixture name, a 0 terminated character string ; h The handle number DEVICEADDRESS "Handle %2d"h "Fixture %11s"n "DMX %03d"d "" "" "Set to Hi-Res Mode" "" "" DAEND ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Specify DMX limits ; ; minimum allowed dmx number MINDMX=1 ; ; maximum allowed dmx number MAXDMX=489 ; ; DMX number must be divisible by this DIVBY=1 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DMX channel description ; ; Column by column description of each DMX channel ; 1. The channels bank number (1..12) ; 2. The upper faders in the bank (1) or the lower faders in the bank (61) ; 3. Channel type (L=LTP, H=HTP, I=Instant LTP, S=16-bit instant LTP, ; s=16-bit Fadeable LTP ; 4. DMX offset (1..number of DMX channels) ; 5. The output level is proportionally recdced by this level (0..100%) ; 6. The curve number (applicable only to HTP channels), usually set to 1 ; 7. Inverted (I) or Normal (N) ; 8. Attribute type (A=Color Wheel1, BCD=Color Mix, E=Pan, F=Tilt, ; G=Iris, H=Dimmer, I=Gobo1, J=Gobo2, K=Gobo1_Rotate, L=Focus, ; M=Gobo2_Rotate, N=Color Wheel2, O=Shutter, P=Prism, Q=Zoom, ; R=Effect_Rotate, S=Frost, T=Speed1, U=Speed2, 0=uncategorised) ; 9. Checksum channel (Always 1) ;10. Attribute name, must be enclosed in quotes and upto 12 charcaters allowed ;11. The ON value of this channel (0..255) ;12. The Highlight level of this channel ;13. The Lolight level of this channel ; DMX 2 61 L 1 100 1N 0 1 "Shutter" 35 35 35 1 1 H 2 100 1N 0 1 "Dimmer" 255 255 255 10 1 L 3 100 1I 0 1 "Cyan" 255 255 255 10 61 L 4 100 1I 0 1 "Magenta" 255 255 0 9 61 L 5 100 1I 0 1 "Yellow" 255 255 0 4 61 L 6 100 1N 0 1 "CTC" 0 0 0 4 1 I 7 100 1N 0 1 "Colour" 0 0 0 6 1 I 8 100 1N 0 1 "Gobo1" 0 0 0 7 1 S 9 100 1N 0 1 "GoboSpin1" 0 0 0 0 0 I 10 100 1N 0 1 "GSpin1_Low" 0 0 0 6 61 I 11 100 1N 0 1 "Gobo2" 0 0 0 7 61 S 12 100 1N 0 1 "GoboSpin2" 0 0 0 0 0 I 13 100 1N 0 1 "GSpin2_Low" 0 0 0 9 1 L 14 100 1N 0 1 "Effect" 0 0 0 11 1 I 15 100 1N 0 1 "EffectRot" 0 0 0 2 1 L 16 100 1N 0 1 "Iris" 0 -1 -1 5 61 L 17 100 1N 0 1 "Focus" 128 -1 -1 5 1 L 18 100 1N 0 1 "Zoom" 128 -1 -1 3 61 s 19 100 1N E 1 "Pan" 128 -1 -1 0 0 L 20 100 1N E 1 "Pan Low" 128 -1 -1 3 1 s 21 100 1N F 1 "Tilt" 128 -1 -1 0 0 L 22 100 1N F 1 "Tilt Low" 128 -1 -1 8 1 L 23 100 1N 0 1 "Speed_p/t" 0 -1 -1 8 61 L 24 100 1N 0 1 "Speed" 0 -1 -1 END ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Text to be displayed when the Instrument is selected for Patching ; TEXT Martin Mac 2000 Hi-Res Encoder Banks Wheel A Wheel B --------------------- 1 Dimmer -- 2 Shutter Iris 3 Tilt Pan 4 Colour CTC 5 Zoom Focus 6 Gobo1 Gobo2 7 GoboSpin1 GoboSpin2 8 Speed p/t Speed 9 Effect Yellow 10 Cyan Magenta 11 EffectRot -- INPUT fixture DMX No. Press a Fixture Select or Swop button to make the patch. END ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Tables ; Positions PFTABLE "Positions" -1 19 21 "Middle" 21 80 80 "Left" 22 50 80 "Right" 23 b0 80 "Top" 24 80 50 "Bottom" 25 80 b0 "TLeft" 26 50 50 "TRight" 27 b0 b0 "BLeft" 28 50 b0 "BRight" 29 b0 50 PFEND PFTABLE "Gobo2" -1 11 "Open" 31 00 "Limbo Donut" 32 0A "Tri Cones" 33 0F "Congo Star" 34 14 "Space Sun" 35 19 "Waves" 36 1E "CW Slow" 37 D2 "CW Med" 38 DD "CW Fast" 39 E8 PFEND ; A color table cyan, magenta, yellow, colour wheel PFTABLE "Color" 29 3 5 4 6 7 "White" 1 ff ff ff 0 0 "Red" 2 ff 0 0 0 0 "Amber" 3 ff 0 1e 0 0 "Yellow" 4 ff 0 ff 0 0 "Green" 5 0 0 ff 0 0 "Cyan" 6 0 ff ff 0 0 "Blue" 7 0 ff 64 0 0 "Lavender" 8 69 ff 37 0 0 "UV" 9 0 9b 0 0 0 "Magenta" 10 ff ff 0 0 0 "lee 101" -1 DE C 89 0 0 "lee 102" -1 E6 17 7A 0 0 "lee 103" -1 F9 70 93 0 0 "lee 104" -1 C3 5 64 0 0 "lee 105" -1 FD 4 29 0 0 "lee 106" -1 A4 8 8 0 0 "lee 107" -1 E7 4D 4D 0 0 "lee 108" -1 5B 23 23 0 0 "lee 109" -1 E9 5E 4F 0 0 "lee 110" -1 FF A0 59 0 0 "lee 111" -1 FF 7C 2A 0 0 "lee 113" -1 C8 3D 1 0 0 "lee 115" -1 3C 6E F4 0 0 "lee 116" -1 7 53 F4 0 0 "lee 117" -1 D0 D2 FB 0 0 "lee 118" -1 1D 80 95 0 0 "lee 119" -1 8 DD 6F 0 0 "lee 120" -1 12 A2 19 0 0 "lee 121" -1 9C 16 ED 0 0 "lee 122" -1 66 18 D9 0 0 "lee 124" -1 1D E 7C 0 0 "lee 126" -1 6D 75 D 0 0 "lee 127" -1 A1 2D 1F 0 0 "lee 128" -1 BF 67 7 0 0 "lee 129" -1 0 0 0 0 0 "lee 130" -1 0 0 0 0 0 "lee 131" -1 6A 6A D2 0 0 "lee 132" -1 22 C4 AC 0 0 "lee 134" -1 D5 1C 4A 0 0 "lee 135" -1 92 7 11 0 0 "lee 136" -1 D5 90 77 0 0 "lee 137" -1 C7 FA 93 0 0 "lee 138" -1 E3 64 D6 0 0 "lee 139" -1 0 FF 0 0 0 "lee 140" -1 89 A0 F1 0 0 "lee 141" -1 1D A3 C0 0 0 "lee 142" -1 A0 D6 89 0 0 "lee 143" -1 42 8E 7B 0 0 "lee 144" -1 6C A7 F0 0 0 "lee 145" -1 0 0 0 0 0 "lee 147" -1 FF 33 56 0 0 "lee 148" -1 0 0 0 0 0 "lee 151" -1 F0 6A 6A 0 0 "lee 152" -1 F0 6A 72 0 0 "lee 153" -1 F0 6A 5F 0 0 "lee 154" -1 F0 72 6F 0 0 "lee 156" -1 E5 5C 61 0 0 "lee 158" -1 EF 6 22 0 0 "lee 159" -1 F2 84 92 0 0 "lee 161" -1 89 E6 C5 0 0 "lee 162" -1 EF 67 85 0 0 "lee 164" -1 E1 F 9 0 0 "lee 165" -1 6E D4 C9 0 0 "lee 166" -1 0 0 0 0 0 "lee 169" -1 D9 94 8E 0 0 "lee 170" -1 C4 B6 63 0 0 "lee 172" -1 26 77 FF 0 0 "lee 174" -1 B1 E1 C1 0 0 "lee 176" -1 F8 5D 50 0 0 "lee 179" -1 B9 9 35 0 0 "lee 180" -1 61 D6 37 0 0 "lee 181" -1 8 88 11 0 0 "lee 182" -1 A3 4 7 0 0 "lee 183" -1 0 0 0 0 0 "lee 184" -1 FC 80 8F 0 0 "lee 185" -1 F9 97 92 0 0 "lee 186" -1 F9 8D 85 0 0 "lee 187" -1 F9 7C 85 0 0 "lee 188" -1 F9 78 86 0 0 "lee 189" -1 E0 8F 97 0 0 "lee 190" -1 C8 8F 97 0 0 "lee 191" -1 C8 77 8F 0 0 PFEND ; Macros MACRO "LAMP ON" 1 1 "data" 0 e6 "delay" 1 50 "data" 0 23 MEND MACRO "RESET" 2 1 "data" 0 d2 "delay" 1 10 "data" 0 23 MEND MACRO "LAMP OFF" 3 1 3 4 5 "data" 0 ff e6 e7 e8 "delay" 1 60 "data" 0 0 0 0 0 MEND