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Martin Mac 2000 Profile (MT2000PR.R20)
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; 'Martin Mac 2000 Profile 24 DMX, 16-bit', 24 DMX Channels, filename: MT2000PR.R20 ; Copyright © Avolites Ltd. 2011 ; ; Date By Description ; 31-07-09 Jonathan Moreton Fixed Iris Range Table ; 11-08-09 David Hunt Edited Macros to match R20s ; 25-08-09 Jonathan Moreton Fixed Gobo1Rot ; 17-01-11 Brad White Fixed Gobo2Rot ; 18-01-11 John Rogers Added Palettes. ; 20-01-11 Nic Morris Fixed Colour1 ranges. ; 20-01-11 Nic Morris Added CMY conditionals ; 20-01-11 Nic Morris Shortened Gobo Func names for Expert LCD ; 20-01-11 Nic Morris Fixed all function update errors. ; 20-01-11 Nic Morris Adjusted gobo rotate direction ; 20-01-11 Nic Morris Added CTC raw range ; 20-01-11 Nic Morris Added ranges for Effect Speed ; 20-01-11 Nic Morris Fixed shutter pulse ranges. ; 23-01-11 Nic Morris Increased raw range to 65535 ; 23-01-11 Nic Morris Fixed power on and locate ; 23-01-11 Nic Morris Revised macros ; 25-01-11 Nic Morris Added GoboRot to macros since GoboFunc might modify its condition. ; 26-01-11 Nic Morris Simplified Effect and increased spin wheel resolution. ; 26-01-11 Nic Morris Standardised Func names ; 26-01-11 Nic Morris Added GoboRot to Gobo update. ; 22-02-11 Nic Morris Swapped Spin CW and CCW ranges. Standardised spin names. ; 22-02-11 Nic Morris Added function index for colour and gobo to work across conditions. ; 22-02-11 Nic Morris Reversed iris and iris open pulse wheel direction. ; 22-02-11 Nic Morris Changed gobo func order so shake and non-shake are adjacent to one another. ; 05-11-11 Pers Creator Created - Exported from Diamond 4 file. ; 05-11-11 Nic Morris Re-exported to ensure Macros are correct. Checked. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The device name, upto 11 characters, no spaces are allowed DEVICE MT_Mac2KPR mode=24 DMX, 16-bit 24 DMX Channels NAME "Martin" "Mac 2000 Profile 24 DMX" ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The Type of instrument, 1 & M must required for backward compatibility ; The middle number denotes the number of DMX channels used TYPE 1 24 M ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mirror/Head resolution MIRROR 2 540 267 ; | | | ; | | |_______ maximum tilt movement (in degrees) ; | |____________ maximum pan movement (in degrees) ; |_________________ 1 means moving mirror, 2 means moving head ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Patching Information. (Upto 10 lines allowed) ; Upto 10 lines of 159 chars are allowed including formulae ; Variables used d=dmx number(1..512), h=handle(1..60), n=devicename (11-char) ; Allowed modifiers ; +,-,*,/,(,) basic arithmatic ; % means remainder after divide ; & means logical AND ; | means logical OR ; R means reverse the bits of the current result (operates on a byte) ; ^ means logical Exclusive OR (operates on a byte) ; > means shift to the right ; < shift to the left ; r followed by number means get the value of that parameter ; d DMX address ; n Fixture name, a 0 terminated character string ; h The handle number DEVICEADDRESS "Handle %2d"h "Fixture %11s"n "DMX %03d"d "" "" "Set to 24 DMX, 16-bit" "" "" DAEND ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Specify DMX limits ; ; minimum allowed dmx number MINDMX=1 ; ; maximum allowed dmx number MAXDMX=488 ; ; DMX number must be divisible by this DIVBY=1 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DMX channel description ; ; Column by column description of each DMX channel ; 1. The channels bank number (1..20) ; 2. The upper faders in the bank (1) or the lower faders in the bank (61) ; 3. Channel type (L=LTP, H=HTP, I=Instant LTP, S=16-bit instant LTP, ; s=16-bit Fadeable LTP ; 4. DMX offset (1..number of DMX channels) ; 5. The output level is proportionally reduced by this level (0..100%) ; 6. The curve number (applicable only to HTP channels), usually set to 1 ; 7. Inverted (I) or Normal (N) ; 8. Attribute type (A=Colour Wheel 1, B=Cyan, C=Magenta, D=Yellow, ; E=Pan, F=Tilt, G=Iris, H=Dimmer, I=Gobo1, J=Gobo2, K=Gobo1 Rotate, ; L=Focus, M=Gobo2 Rotate, N=Colour Wheel 2, O=Shutter, P=Prism, Q=Zoom, ; R=Effect Rotate, S=Frost, T=Red, U=Green, V=Blue, 0=uncategorised) ; 9. Checksum channel (Always 1) ;10. Attribute name, must be enclosed in quotes and upto 12 characters allowed ;11. The ON value of this channel (0..255) ;12. The Highlight level of this channel ;13. The Lowlight level of this channel ; DMX 2 61 L 1 100 1N O 1 "Shutter" 34 0 0 1 1 H 2 100 1N H 1 "Dimmer" 255 0 0 10 1 L 3 100 1N B 1 "Cyan" 0 0 255 10 61 L 4 100 1N C 1 "Magenta" 0 0 255 9 61 L 5 100 1N D 1 "Yellow" 0 255 76 4 61 L 6 100 1N 0 1 "CTC" 0 0 0 4 1 L 7 100 1N A 1 "Colour" 190 190 190 6 1 L 8 100 1N I 1 "Gobo 1" 4 0 0 7 1 s 9 100 1N K 1 "Gobo 1 Rot" 0 0 0 0 0 L 10 100 1N K 1 "Gobo 1 R Low" 0 0 0 6 61 L 11 100 1N J 1 "Gobo 2" 4 0 0 7 61 s 12 100 1N M 1 "Gobo 2 Rot" 0 0 0 0 0 L 13 100 1N M 1 "Gobo 2 R Low" 0 0 0 9 1 L 14 100 1N P 1 "Effect" 0 0 0 19 1 L 15 100 1N R 1 "Effect Rotat" 0 0 0 2 1 L 16 100 1N G 1 "Iris" 0 0 0 5 61 L 17 100 1N L 1 "Focus" 127 0 0 5 1 L 18 100 1N Q 1 "Zoom" 142 0 0 3 61 s 19 100 1N E 1 "Pan" 128 0 0 0 0 L 20 100 1N E 1 "Pan Low" 128 0 0 3 1 s 21 100 1N F 1 "Tilt" 128 0 0 0 0 L 22 100 1N F 1 "Tilt Low" 128 0 0 8 1 L 23 100 1N 0 1 "MSpeed" 1 0 0 8 61 L 24 100 1N 0 1 "Eff Speed" 0 0 0 END ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT Martin Mac 2000 Profile 24 DMX, 16-bit INPUT fixture DMX No. Press a Fixture Select or Swop button to make the patch. END ATTR Function Obsolete END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Preset Palette Tables PFTABLE "Intensity" -1 1 "Open" 31 22 "Slow Strobe" 32 3D "Fast Strobe" 33 32 "Slow Random Strobe" 34 B2 "Fast Random Strobe" 35 93 "Slow Pulse" 36 5A "Fast Pulse" 37 63 "Closed" 38 A PFEND PFTABLE "Pan/Tilt" -1 19 21 "Middle" 21 80 80 "Left" 22 4F 80 "Right" 23 B0 80 "Top" 24 80 4F "Bottom" 25 80 B0 "TLeft" 26 4F 4F "TRight" 27 B0 B0 "BLeft" 28 4F B0 "BRight" 29 B0 4F PFEND PFTABLE "Colour" -1 3 4 5 "Open" 1 0 0 0 "Red" 2 0 FF FF "Amber" 3 0 7F FF "Yellow" 4 0 0 FF "Green" 5 FF 0 FF "Cyan" 6 FF 0 0 "Blue" 7 FF FF 0 "Magenta" 10 0 FF 0 "Lavender" 8 4A 91 F "Ultra Violet" 9 CC FF 0 PFEND PFTABLE "Gobo" -1 8 11 "Open" 11 4 4 "Jet Fan" 12 25 4 "Pipe Dreams" 13 2A 4 "Double Worms" 14 2F 4 "Inverted King Star" 15 34 4 "Limbo" 16 39 4 "Limbo Donut" 17 4 25 "Triangle Cones" 18 4 2A "Congo Star" 19 4 2F "Space Sun" 20 4 34 PFEND ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Macros MACRO "Lamp On" 1 1 11 13 3 4 5 7 8 10 "data" 0 0 20 0 FF FF FF A2 20 0 "delay" 1 A "data" 0 E8 20 0 FF FF FF A2 20 0 "delay" 1 3C "data" 0 22 4 0 0 0 0 BE 4 0 MEND MACRO "Lamp Off" 2 1 11 13 3 4 5 7 8 10 "data" 0 0 20 0 FF FF FF A2 20 0 "delay" 1 A "data" 0 FC 20 0 FF FF FF A2 20 0 "delay" 1 3C "data" 0 22 4 0 0 0 0 BE 4 0 MEND MACRO "Reset" 3 1 11 13 3 4 5 7 8 10 "data" 0 0 20 0 FF FF FF A2 20 0 "delay" 1 A "data" 0 D4 20 0 FF FF FF A2 20 0 "delay" 1 3C "data" 0 22 4 0 0 0 0 BE 4 0 MEND ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Range Tables ; Column by column description... ; 1. Low DMX value (inclusive) ; 2. High DMX value (inclusive) ; 3. Displayed text (max 11 chars) ; Variables used a=low val, b=high val, c=DMX val RANGE 1 ;Shutter 0 19 "Closed" 20 49 "Open" 50 72 "Strobe %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) 73 79 "Open Low Pw" 80 99 "Open P %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 100 119 "Clse P %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 120 127 "Open" 128 147 "Rnd (Fast)" 148 167 "Rnd (Med)" 168 187 "Rnd (Slow)" 188 190 "Open" 191 193 "ORnd Pls (F" 194 196 "ORnd Pls (S" 197 199 "CRnd Pls (F" 200 202 "CRnd Pls (S" 203 207 "Safe" 208 217 "Reset Fixtu" 228 237 "Lamp On" 248 255 "Lamp Off" REND RANGE 2 ;Dimmer 0 255 "%3d.%d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),10*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) REND RANGE 6 ;CTC 0 0 "CID HMI 600" 8 8 "E Flash 590" 16 16 "Film 5800K" 25 25 "Daylight 57" 41 41 "Carbon 5000" 107 107 "White 4700K" 165 165 "CSI 4000K" 197 197 "White 3600K" 206 206 "Tungsten 35" 214 214 "Tungsten 34" 230 230 "Tungsten 32" 247 247 "Tungsten@80" 255 255 "Tungsten@65" REND RANGE 7 ;Colour 0 19 "White- %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 20 39 "Red-Gr %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 40 59 "Green- %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 60 79 "Blue-U %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 80 99 "UV-Tri %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 100 119 "Trp Cn %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 120 139 "Highwa %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 140 159 "Dots-O %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 160 163 "Dots" 164 167 "Highways" 168 171 "Triple Cone" 172 175 "UV" 176 179 "Blue" 180 183 "Green" 184 187 "Red" 188 191 "No Scroll" 192 217 "Scroll %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) 218 243 "Scro %3d.%d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),10*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) 244 247 "Random Fast" 248 251 "Random Med" 252 255 "Random Slow" REND RANGE 8 ;Gobo 1 0 9 "Open" 10 14 "Jet Fan" 15 19 "Pipe Dreams" 20 24 "Double Worm" 25 29 "Inverted Ki" 30 34 "Limbo" 35 39 "Jet Fan" 40 44 "Pipe Dreams" 45 49 "Double Worm" 50 54 "Inverted Ki" 55 59 "Limbo" 60 74 "Jet Fa %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 75 89 "Pipe D %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 90 104 "Worms %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 105 119 "Inv Ki %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 120 134 "Limbo %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 135 149 "Jet Fa %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 150 164 "Pipe D %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 165 179 "Worms %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 180 194 "Inv Ki %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 195 209 "Limbo %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 210 232 "Scroll %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 233 255 "Scroll %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) REND RANGE 9 ;Gobo 1 Rot 0 2 "No Spin" 3 127 "Spi %3d.%02d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),100*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) 128 252 "Spin C %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) 253 255 "No Spin" REND RANGE 11 ;Gobo 2 0 9 "Open" 10 14 "Limbo Donut" 15 19 "Triangle Co" 20 24 "Congo Star" 25 29 "Space Sun" 30 34 "Waves" 35 39 "Limbo Donut" 40 44 "Triangle Co" 45 49 "Congo Star" 50 54 "Space Sun" 55 59 "Waves" 60 74 "Limbo %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 75 89 "Tri Co %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 90 104 "Congo %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 105 119 "Space %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 120 134 "Waves %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 135 149 "Limbo %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 150 164 "Tri Co %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 165 179 "Congo %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 180 194 "Space %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 195 209 "Waves %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 210 232 "Scroll %3d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a) 233 255 "Scroll %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) REND RANGE 12 ;Gobo 2 Rot 0 2 "No Spin" 3 127 "Spi %3d.%02d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),100*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) 128 252 "Spin C %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) 253 255 "No Spin" REND RANGE 14 ;Effect 0 0 "Open" 1 175 "Fros %3d.%d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),10*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) 176 183 "Effect 1 In" 184 191 "Effect 2 In" 192 199 "Effect 1 Sp" 200 207 "Effect 2 Sp" 216 220 "Macro 1" 221 225 "Macro 2" 226 230 "Macro 3" 231 235 "Macro 4" 236 240 "Macro 5" 241 245 "Macro 6" 246 250 "Macro 7" 251 255 "Macro 8" REND RANGE 15 ;Effect Rotate 0 2 "No Spin" 3 127 "Spin %3d.%d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),10*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) 128 252 "Spin C %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) 253 255 "No Spin" REND RANGE 16 ;Iris 0 199 "Iris %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) 200 215 "Closed" 216 229 "Open P %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) 230 243 "Clse P %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) 244 246 "Rdm Op Pls " 247 249 "Rdm Op Pls " 250 252 "Rdm Cl Pls " 253 255 "Rdm Cl Pls " REND RANGE 17 ;Focus 0 255 "%3d.%d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),10*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) REND RANGE 18 ;Zoom 0 12 "28" 13 26 "27" 27 39 "26" 40 53 "25" 54 66 "24" 67 80 "23" 81 93 "22" 94 107 "21" 108 120 "20" 121 134 "19" 135 147 "18" 148 161 "17" 162 174 "16" 175 188 "15" 189 201 "14" 202 215 "13" 216 228 "12" 229 242 "11" 243 255 "10" REND RANGE 19 ;Pan 0 255 "%3d.%02d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),100*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) REND RANGE 21 ;Tilt 0 255 "%3d.%02d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),100*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) REND RANGE 23 ;MSpeed 0 2 "Tracking" 3 242 "Speed %3d%%"100-((c-a)*100/(b-a)) 243 245 "Tracking Sl" 246 248 "Tracking No" 249 251 "Tracking Fa" 252 255 "BO moving" REND RANGE 24 ;Eff Speed 0 2 "Tracking" 3 239 "Spee %3d.%d%%"(c-a)*100/(b-a),10*((c-a)*100%(b-a))/(b-a) 240 242 "Studio Mode" 243 245 "Studio Mode" 246 248 "Shortcuts O" 249 251 "Shortcuts O" 252 255 "Blackout to" REND