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Robe ColorSpot 170 AT (ROAT170.R20)
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; "Robe ColorSpot 170", 12 DMX channels, filename :ROAT170.R20 ; ; Date By Description ; 18-09-02 D.Shelton Created ; 20-01-05 Phil Renamed to Robe standards ; 26-10-05 E Spencer Revised device name ; 15-08-06 D.Milligan Changed Device line to correct mode and added Range Tables ; 01-04-08 Gregory Haynes Updated long name ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The device name, upto 11 characters, no spaces are allowed DEVICE RO_SPC170AT mode=Mode 1, 16bit 12 DMX channels NAME "Robe" "ColorSpot 170 AT, Mode 1" ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The Type of instrument, 1 & M must required for backward compatibility ; The middle number denotes the number of DMX channels used TYPE 1 12 M ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mirror/Head resolution MIRROR 2 530 280 ; | | | ; | | |_______ maximum tilt movement (in degrees) ; | |____________ maximum pan movement (in degrees) ; |_________________ 1 means moving mirror, 2 means moving head ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVICEADDRESS ; DAEND ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Specify DMX limits ; ; minimum allowed dmx number MINDMX=1 ; ; maximum allowed dmx number MAXDMX=501 ; ; DMX number must be divisible by this DIVBY=1 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DMX channel description ; ; DMX 3 61 s 1 100 1N E 1 "Pan" 128 128 128 0 0 L 3 100 1N E 1 "Pan_Fine" 128 128 128 3 1 s 2 100 1N F 1 "Tilt" 128 128 128 0 0 L 4 100 1N F 1 "Tilt_Fine" 128 128 128 8 1 L 5 100 1N 0 1 "P/T Speed" 0 0 0 10 61 L 6 100 1N 0 1 "Control" 0 0 0 4 1 I 7 100 1N A 1 "Colour" 0 0 0 6 1 I 8 100 1N I 1 "Gobo" 0 0 0 6 61 I 9 100 1N K 1 "Gobo Rot" 0 0 0 5 61 L 10 100 1N L 1 "Focus" 128 128 128 2 61 L 11 100 1N O 1 "Shutter" 40 40 40 1 1 H 12 100 1N H 1 "Dimmer" 255 255 255 END ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Text to be displayed when the Instrument is selected for Patching ; TEXT Robe ColorSpot 170 AT Bank WheelA WheelB --------------------- 1 Dimmer -- 2 -- Shutter 3 Tilt Pan 4 Colour -- 5 -- Focus 6 Gobo Gobo Rot 7 -- -- 8 P/T Speed -- 9 -- -- 10 -- Control INPUT fixture DMX No. Press a Fixture Select or Swop button to make the patch. END ATTR END ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Tables ; ; Positions PFTABLE "Positions" -1 1 2 "Middle" 21 80 80 "Left" 22 50 80 "Right" 23 b0 80 "Top" 24 80 50 "Bottom" 25 80 b0 "TLeft" 26 50 50 "TRight" 27 b0 b0 "BLeft" 28 50 b0 "BRight" 29 b0 50 PFEND ; A color table for the colour wheel PFTABLE "Color" -1 7 "Open" 1 0 "Dk Green" 2 a "Red" 3 17 "Cyan" 4 23 "Magenta" 5 2e "Blue" 6 3a "Yellow" 7 46 "Green" 8 51 "Pink" 9 5d "Dk Blue" 10 69 PFEND ; A gobo table for the gobo wheel PFTABLE "Gobo" -1 8 "Open" 11 0 "Gobo1" 12 11 "Gobo2" 13 1e "Gobo3" 14 28 "Gobo4" 15 37 "Gobo5" 16 41 "Gobo6" 17 4d "Gobo7" 18 5a PFEND ; Macros MACRO "RESET" 1 6 "data" 0 82 "delay" 1 30 "data" 0 0 MEND MACRO "LAMP OFF" 2 6 "data" 0 eb "delay" 1 50 "data" 0 0 MEND ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Range Tables RANGE 11 ;Shutter 0 31 "Closed" 32 63 "Open" 64 95 "Strobe %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 96 127 "Open" 128 159 "Pulse %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 160 191 "Open" 192 223 "Rnd St %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 224 255 "Open" REND RANGE 7 ;Colour 0 0 "Open" 1 10 "Op/Dg %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 11 11 "Dk Green" 12 22 "Dg/Rd %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 23 23 "Red" 24 34 "Rd/Cy %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 35 35 "Cyan" 36 45 "Cy/Ma %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 46 46 "Magenta" 47 57 "Ma/Bl %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 58 58 "Blue" 59 69 "Bl/Ye %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 70 70 "Yellow" 71 80 "Ye/Gr %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 81 81 "Green" 82 92 "Gr/Pi %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 93 93 "Pink" 94 104 "Pi/Db %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 105 105 "Dk Blue" 106 115 "Db/Or %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 116 116 "Orange" 117 127 "Or/Sc %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 128 189 "Sc CW %3d%%"100-(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 190 193 "No Scroll" 194 255 "Sc CCW %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) REND RANGE 6 ;Control 0 127 "Safe" 128 139 "Lamp On" 140 229 "Safe" 230 239 "Lamp Off" 240 255 "Safe" REND RANGE 5 ;Speed_P/T 0 0 "Tracking" 1 249 "Speed %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 250 252 "BO Col G" 253 255 "BO All" REND RANGE 8 ;Gobo 0 11 "Open" 12 23 "Gobo 1" 24 35 "Gobo 2" 36 47 "Gobo 3" 48 59 "Gobo 4" 60 71 "Gobo 5" 72 83 "Gobo 6" 84 95 "Gobo 7" 96 115 "G1 Sh %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 116 135 "G2 Sh %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 136 155 "G3 Sh %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 156 175 "G4 Sh %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 176 195 "G5 Sh %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 196 215 "G6 Sh %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 216 235 "G7 Sh %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 236 255 "Sc CW %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) REND RANGE 9 ;Gobo_Rot 0 127 "Index %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 128 189 "Sc CW %3d%%"100-(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) 190 193 "No Scroll" 194 255 "Sc CCW %3d%%"0+(((c-a)*100)/(b-a)) REND