View Personality
Varilite VL5 (VL5L_9C.D2)
View Table
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------| ; The VL5 LTP 9 Chan Personality for the Diamond II | ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------| ; History :- | ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------| ; Revision | Date | By | Description | ;------------|-----------|--------|-------------------------------------| ; 1.0 | 19-03-97 | DBT | Created | ; 1.1 | 23-05-97 | TS&DBT | Modified Locate fixture | ; | 01-09-05 | Phil | Added macros | ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- | DEVICE=VL5L_9Chan ; Device Name (upto 11 chars after '=' DEVICE23=LTP INTENS ; 22 chars after '=' ; extra information for softkey prompt lines 2&3 ; a total of 22 chars, split into 2 lines of 11 ; Device information ; __ Number of lines of DMX info. ; | __ Number of lines of wheel info ; | | ; | | ; | | HSTART 3 9 1b05 360 270 ff 0 7 10 7 ; | | | | | | | | ; | | | | | | | |__ Line number for flash button DMX info ; | | | | | | | from DMX definition (1..x) ; | | | | | | |__ Button release value ; | | | | | |__ Button ON value (ff means use swop/add fader) ; | | | | |__ The TILT arc in Degrees ; | | | |__ The Pan arc in degrees ; | | |__ Date in PC format (1b05==5/08/93) ; | |__ Number of DMX slots used ; |__ Patch direction (1-backward, 0 forward, (3 for moving head, 1 for Moving Mirror)) TEXTSTART ; Upto 21 lines of 28 characters (use the template below) ; VL5 PERSONALITY ; ; 9 CHANNELS ; ; LTP INTENSITY ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; T 03-01-95 ; TEXTEND ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; For the Attribute Dictionary refer to file 'dict.per' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; DMX information ; No unused lines allowed between keyword 'DSTART' and last DMX definition DSTART ; DMX defintion 1 2 0 0 44 0 ; UNUSED 2 2 20 0 13 0 ; PAN 3 0 0 0 0 0 ; PAN LOW 4 2 20 0 14 0 ; TILT 5 0 0 0 0 0 ; TILT LOW 6 2 0 0 6 0 ; BLUE 7 2 0 0 30 0 ; AMBER 8 2 0 0 7 0 ; MAGENTA 9 2 0 0 31 0 ; DIFFUSER 0 2 0 0 0 0 ; DIMMER ;| | | | | | ;| | | | | |__ Spare (always 0 for now) ;| | | | |__ Attribute name (See list above) ;| | | |__ Curve (0 means no curve otherwise curve number) ;| | |__ Flags (7=inverted, 6=instant, 5=16-bit) ;| |_ Channel type (1=HTP, 2=LTP, 0=Dummy(for 16-bit defines) ;|__ DMX offset (1..255, 0 means DIMMER will be patched seperately) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; WHEEL information ; No unused lines allowed between keyword 'WSTART' and last DMX definition WSTART 4 ffff 8000 3 13 1 5 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 ; 1. PAN 4 ffff 8000 3 14 1 6 0 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 ; 2. TILT 8 ffff 0 1 6 0 1 0 1 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 ; 3. BLUE 8 ffff 0 1 30 0 2 0 1 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 ; 4. AMBER 8 ffff 0 1 7 0 4 0 1 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 ; 5. MAGENTA 8 ffff 0 1 31 0 7 0 1 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 ; 6. DIFFUSER 8 ffff ffff 4 0 0 8 0 1 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 ; 7. DIMMER ;| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__ List of Table channels as ;| | | | | | | | | | |_______________ line numbers from DMX def. ;| | | | | | | | | | 0 means unused channel ;| | | | | | | | | |__ DMX line (minus 1) pertainig to this wheel ;| | | | | | | | |__ Number of chanels under control OR Table width ;| | | | | | | |__ Table type (Attribute number) 0 means NOT a table ;| | | | | | |__ Wheel number (1..8 on bank1, 9..16 on bank2 et cetera) ;| | | | | |__ 0 for 8 bits, 1 for 16 bits ;| | | | |__ Attribute name from above list (0..MAX) ;| | | |__ Wheel type (1-offset, 2-Table, 3-Pan/Tilt, 4-Dimmer) ;| | |__ Default value (left shifted as necessary) ;| |__ AND mask, where more than wheel controls same DMX slot ;|__ Wheel multiplication =16-(bits used) ; eg. for 8 bit channels it is 8, for 12 bit channels it is 4 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TABLES ; Each Table is enclosed by the keywords "TSTART" and "*** TEND ***" ; The legend is 16 chars long ; The correct number of values must be supplied (8-bits) with spaces in ; between ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MAGENTA AND REDS TSTART 3 7 01. 000 064 172 02. 000 107 255 03. 070 000 207 04. 000 095 224 05. 000 101 255 06. 043 000 192 07. 000 077 255 08. 000 198 231 09. 000 147 255 10. 000 179 252 11. 000 181 165 12. 000 255 214 13. 000 193 187 14. 000 171 233 15. 092 000 000 16. 089 101 000 17. 000 091 171 18. 000 114 173 19. 000 111 183 20. 000 095 137 21. 000 050 156 22. 000 091 160 23. 000 134 177 24. 000 120 188 25. 000 123 255 26. 000 166 255 27. 000 000 255 28. 106 074 111 29. 114 065 000 30. 104 027 000 31. 143 000 109 32. 095 067 089 33. 118 102 000 *** TEND *** ;1BLUE AND GREEN TSTART 3 6 01. 228 000 071 02. 255 051 000 03. 255 100 000 04. 161 094 000 05. 255 075 000 06. 233 000 033 07. 161 000 041 08. 140 084 000 09. 233 000 033 10. 255 039 000 11. 160 035 000 12. 145 075 000 13. 255 000 255 14. 197 000 255 15. 198 000 158 16. 136 060 000 17. 166 000 213 18. 176 000 167 19. 255 127 000 20. 255 119 000 21. 255 155 000 22. 217 176 000 23. 244 202 000 24. 244 215 000 25. 255 104 000 26. 255 127 000 27. 255 176 000 *** TEND *** ;YELLOW TSTART 3 30 01. 000 196 061 02. 000 165 033 03. 064 101 000 04. 000 000 101 05. 084 135 000 06. 000 091 067 07. 000 116 116 08. 000 119 113 09. 057 125 000 10. 000 111 089 11. 059 175 000 12. 000 131 151 13. 000 117 110 14. 097 172 000 15. 000 165 033 16. 085 139 000 17. 000 116 118 18. 000 135 140 *** TEND *** ;MISC TSTART 3 4 01. 092 000 000 02. 158 000 051 03. 182 000 000 04. 255 051 000 05. 255 055 000 06. 178 000 000 07. 164 000 075 08. 215 000 089 09. 228 000 071 10. 255 000 000 11. 094 060 000 12. 110 075 000 13. 118 102 000 14. 140 080 000 15. 140 084 000 16. 220 100 000 17. 255 129 000 18. 255 160 000 19. 255 176 000 20. 231 188 000 21. 194 172 000 22. 169 172 000 23. 244 202 000 24. 244 215 000 25. 134 158 000 26. 149 175 000 27. 174 187 000 28. 225 207 000 29. 236 228 000 30. 255 255 000 31. 071 083 000 32. 093 098 000 33. 107 115 000 34. 093 107 000 35. 064 101 000 36. 064 115 000 37. 084 135 000 38. 130 178 000 39. 154 223 000 40. 150 212 000 41. 000 077 000 42. 000 081 000 43. 000 088 000 44. 003 089 000 45. 000 143 000 46. 000 200 000 47. 096 230 000 48. 000 255 089 49. 000 235 086 50. 000 255 000 51. 000 081 051 52. 000 111 083 53. 000 081 072 54. 000 116 116 55. 000 131 151 56. 000 127 118 57. 000 175 156 58. 000 181 165 59. 000 235 190 60. 000 255 214 61. 000 065 087 62. 000 065 108 63. 000 114 173 64. 000 109 164 65. 000 110 179 66. 000 160 228 67. 000 179 247 68. 000 196 237 69. 000 218 243 70. 000 255 255 71. 000 000 168 72. 070 000 207 73. 075 000 255 74. 061 000 255 75. 000 000 101 76. 000 064 172 77. 000 078 178 78. 000 109 225 79. 000 108 255 80. 000 000 255 81. 134 000 103 82. 143 000 109 83. 198 000 158 84. 185 000 186 85. 176 000 197 86. 173 000 255 87. 208 000 255 88. 195 000 255 89. 173 000 255 90. 255 000 255 *** TEND *** MACRO "RESET" 1 10 40 54 10 0 MEND MACRO "LAMP ON" 2 10 40 FF 10 0 MEND MACRO "LAMP OFF" 3 10 40 A8 10 0 MEND